Our Care Offer


Our Care Offer

Een gezellig en veilig ‘thuis’ waar je gewoon jezelf kunt zijn, is de belangrijkste basis voor mensen met autisme. Joy Living biedt de beste professionele autismebegeleiding op maat in een huiselijke, familiale sfeer waarin wonen, werken en samenleven centraal staan .

Beschermd thuis

Beschermd is een dienst die we bij Joy Living biedt en speelt een cruciale rol bij het helpen van mensen met autisme bij het ontwikkelen van de vaardigheden die ze nodig hebben om te slagen in het leven .

Assisted living

assisted living - also called sheltered home is a program designed to help people with autism develop the skills they need to live independently and successfully as adults. With 2 different living options, the assisted living program is specially designed for young adults who are preparing to (partially) leave the care system. Through this program, we provide these residents with the tools and support they need to build the skills and confidence needed to live independently and successfully.

Ambulatory Guidance

At Joy Living, we offer a guidance program designed to provide people with autism with personalized support and guidance as they navigate the challenges of increasingly independent living. Live independently and organize your own life as much as possible. Due to your disability, this is not always easy. Fortunately, you don't have to do it alone. Joy Living can help with outpatient autism guidance at home. Together we ensure that you become and stay stronger.

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